Author Archives: admin
Strength Training – The Basics
Whether your goal is to improve your performance in your individual sport or simply to increase your overall power, strength training could be the key to achieving your workout goals.Principles of Strength Training
It is important to first understand the principles of strength training. The prime goal of strength training is to increase the response of your nervous system, not muscles. When simply lifting weights, all of the fibers in the muscle being targeted are never actually activated because basic weight lifting fails to strengthen the connection between the neural receptors that tells your muscle to contract or expand. With strength training, you increase the response time of these neural pathways and, in turn, increase the percentage of muscle fiber that is activated. The result is muscles that contract and expand with more explosive force, allowing you to exert more energy and lift more weight.The selection of the proper exercise routine is crucial to creating an effective strength-training workout. Experts recommend routines that emphasize multiple joint movements, rather than those that focus on a single movement. Multiple joint movement mimics the way we move when actually participating in sports, where multiple muscles respond in rapid succession or simultaneously. So an exercise such as a squat is preferable over a single leg extension since squats require multiple muscles to perform it correctly.Training ScheduleTry to keep the number of exercises you add to your routine at a reasonable amount and limit the time you spend working out. Choose at least three exercises that emphasize high intensity movement. While the urge to add a wide variety of exercises might be tempting to get results faster, adding too many exercises to your routine may make you exhausted before you finish and reduce the effectiveness of your workout. In short, choose quality over quantity and try to keep your routine to approximately 30 minutes. It’s the intensity of the workout, not the duration, which will lead to results.Sets and RepetitionsSets and repetitions are the core of a strength training workout routine, or any workout routine for that matter. A repetition (or “rep”) is the performance of the actual exercise one time (as in one push up). A set is a predetermined number of reps. For instance; you might perform 10 reps of push-ups for three sets, at the end completing 30 push-ups.So how many reps and set should you perform? That depends on your goals and current fitness level. Since strength training emphasizes both power and muscle mass, you should vary your workout routine. Doing a high number of reps stimulates the slow-twitch muscles and aids in muscle endurance, while performing a lower number of reps at a higher intensity stimulates the fast twitch muscles and increases muscle mass. With that in mind, vary your routine, alternating the number of reps you perform in an 8-10 week training cycle. But try to maintain your intensity of your lifts. Experts agree that the weight you lift must be heavy enough to bring you to the point of exhaustion at the end of your last rep to stimulate muscle growth.
Get Your News Online – Strategies for Subscribing to Ezines and Online Newsletters
Do you still get your news the old fashioned way, from newspapers, magazines, TV or monthly newsletters going through the Snail Mail? Outrageous I tell you, just crazy in this day and age, it is absurd to allow yourself to be passed by, when all the information and news you could ever want can be delivered to your email box every day. How so you ask?Well, let me give you a few tips. You see, as the coordinator for the Online Think Tank it is my job, literally to stay abreast of information in many industries and sectors. It takes a lot of surfing over a long period of time to find the best online newsletters and ezines. It is recommended to take an email newsletter for 3 times, before unsubscribing, even if you are not sure.Eventually you will have a collection of ezines, which come on a periodic basis that are easy to scan and keep you up to date. Much of the information will be duplicated and appear online prior to the print news media, so you will always be ahead of the game and ahead of folks even in their own industries.The famous saying; “you can only believe half of what you read” does hold true in this venue, so beware of what you take as absolute fact, much is politically or PR motivated, nevertheless, very interesting indeed. Below are the online newsletters and ezines, I take. Realize this is not my full-list but in the last three-days I started writing them down, some of course only come once a week, bi-weekly or once per month, but this should give you an idea as to what is out there waiting for you if you dare to take it:Business
Florida Trends
Small Business Newz
Advertising Day
Business Intelligence Report
Best of eWeek
MSFIN Microsoft
Microwave Journal
IFA SmartBrief
IPI International Parking Institute
Traffic News
Transport Topics
ATA eNews
BC Arizona Water News
BC Texas Water News
WaterTech eNews Daily
WWD & WQD Magazines
International Carwash Association
AMT Aircraft Maintenance Technologies
NADA Headlines
AutoRental News
NOLN e’News
Energy Biz Insider
Eye for Energy
SEMA eNews
WardsAuto OEM News
Inside Office
B to B
Fuel Cell Today Fortnightly Newsletter
Geo Spatial Solutions Weekly
Ragan Communications
Professional Builder
The Virtual Chase
IT Edge
The Business VoIP Report
FierceBiotech Researcher
DID Newsletter
Softwar News
ASD Network
GSN Homeland Security
Shephard Alerts
GSN Defense IT
Military and Aerospace Electronics
The Register
CyberNet Technology News
SoCal TechNews
GizMag News
TechWorld Daily
MIT Technology Emerging Technologies Emails
MIT InfoTech Weekly Update
MIT World
KurzweilAI Online
Microsoft Live Advisor
Daily TechRag
Photonics Ezine
SearchSecurity News
Electronic Design Update
Microwave Flash
Smart Classroom
EERE Network News
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
TechWorld iLink
Systems Biology
Messenger Mission News
Chandra X-Ray Center
WFP World Food Program
Yeschaton – Mark Pesce
Foresight NanoTech Institute
StarWars Ezine
Third World
Bolivia Rising
Mission Network News
Corrections News
National Sheriff’s Association Ezine
GovExec Government Executive
WT WashingtonTechnology
GAO New publication alert
OCED Research Paper Alerts
TTD Berkeley
New Scientist
Steve Spangler’s Science
Christian World eNews
CSMonitor News
Institute for Humanist Studies
NewsNote: Google Tool Bar allows you to customize and add these Digital Newspapers, so you can easily scan the headlines and read the most important information.
USAToday Online
Japan Today
Scotsman Paperboy
Washington Post
LA Times
Arizona Republic
Houston Chronicle
Miami Herald
Tines of India
WSWS World Socialist Website
MEF News
Salon Newsletter
Democracy Now
Sylvia Browne
Sports Performance Bulletin
Active Insider
Magical Musings
eBook Times
Global Voices Blogger Alert
eSchool News
Coast to Coast Am News Log
You see, everything you could ever want to know in virtual real time is a click away, and if you are overloaded one-day, you can save them or simply delete those you do not have time for that day. Think on this, because it sure works for me.